St Joseph’s College is a Catholic Voluntary Secondary School under the Trusteeship of CEIST – Catholic Education, An Irish School’s Trust.
As such, it promotes the CEIST Charter values;
- Promoting Spiritual & Human Development
- Achieving Quality in Teaching and Learning
- Showing Respect for Every Person
- Creating Community
- Being Just and Responsible
Board of Management
St Joseph’s College is under the general supervision and control of a Board of Management.
The Term of Office of the existing BOM is 15th October 2021 - 15th October 2024
The current BOM members are;
Chairperson - Ms Annette Durkan
Trustee Nominee - Br. Phil Ryan
Trustee Nominee - Ms Eileen McCrory
Trustee Nominee - Mr Shay Flood
Parent Nominee - Ms Patricia McGuire
Parent Nominee - Mr Ger Guest
Teacher Nominee - Mr Paul Sweeney
Teacher Nominee - Ms Teresa Finlay
School Management
Principal - Ms Bernadette Fitzgerald
Deputy Principal - Mr Barry McCabe
Deputy Principal - Ms Catherine Bligh
Deputy Principal - Ms Geraldine Butler