+353 1 628 1160
St Joseph's College Lucan

Transition to 1st Year

We recognise the importance of ensuring that 1st Year students make a happy & successful transition from Primary School.

This includes the following:

1. The Learning Support Coordinator visits Primary Schools to meet Principals & to get to know students & their needs

2. At the 1st Year Parents’ Interview, parents are given an opportunity to discuss areas of concern/students’ needs

3. Letters are sent to Primary School Principals requesting Primary School Report Cards

4. The Guidance Counsellors organize Entrance Assessments to identify individual students' needs

5. The 1st Year Parents Information Evening takes place

6. On their 1st day students are met by Tutor/Year Head/Guidance Counsellor/Cinnire Team/ 1st Year Prefects/Principal and Deputy

7. Class groupings are organized so as to ensure the following:

  1. Each student is in a class with a girl from the same primary school.
  2. Efforts are made to accommodate language preferences
  3. Mixed grouping as distinct from streaming

8. Cinnire students are involved in 1st Year induction & ongoing support during the year

9. A Homework Plan is given to students and teachers to make 1st Year homework manageable

10. Guidance counsellors meet those who are finding it difficult to settle in and work with individuals to help them settle

11. SPHE lessons include modules on making friends

12. The Learning Support teacher informs teachers of students SEN & EAL needs

13. PE department organizes PE Try it Outday to promote group bonding

Lucan Road,
Co. Dublin
K78 VW74

+353 1 628 1160

Ceist- Catholic Education, an Irish schools trust
© 2024 St Joseph's College Lucan