Dear Parents,
We are looking forward to the return of all of our students in late August. As previously indicated, the school will reopen for students on Friday 28th August. We will post the specific dates of return for each year group on the website on Monday 10th August 2020.
We will also send our students important information regarding the return to school through their school gmails next week. This information will address questions and concerns students have and also provide them with any relevant information they will need to know prior to return.
We have sent a survey to our students on their school gmail this morning and they are busy responding to it. Well done to them on their engagement with us - it is excellent as always and the student responses will help to inform our planning.
We also intend to survey our parents in the coming days. The means of responding to the survey will be explained in a message on the School App in the coming days. We would be grateful for your responses as soon as the survey goes live.
The reopening of the school is a major logistical and organisational challenge but we are determined to reopen safely for all students.
The Senior Leadership Team, assisted by a team of teachers and others are working on the planning for a safe reopening. We will provide parents with important information in the coming week, with regard to school reopening.
We thank you for your ongoing support and wish you well in the coming weeks as you also plan for your daughter's return to school.
Kind regards
Bernadette Fitzgerald